
BBQ Party

Quick and delicious Summer Salad


1 small red onion
1 avocado
1 cup feta cheese
1/4 watermelon
8 strawberries
10 cherry tomatoes
1/2 cucumber
Handful of lettuce
Handful of basil
2 teaspoons lime juice
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper


Cut and slice the ingredients as you please, it's still gonna be one hell of a salad.

In other news

On Saturday we organized a cute little picnik just for us two in Bear's garden. Panda barbequed and Bear made a salad and a cake (from which we don't have a decent photo, so for now we're not going to post the recipe either). Later on we moved inside, turned off the majority of lights to get that cozy vibe,  made a pile of blankets on Bear's living room floor, under the glass doors that open to garden to be able to gaze outside and got our cuddles on. Woke up like this... flawless... Panda, Bear and a Dog. We wish we could have our really own dog already, but Panda says it's not happening until we have our own house with a big beautiful garden. Any ideas how to get rich fast? We're all ears. So on Sunday we barbequed... yes, again... let a Panda loose in a meat store with an empty stomach and he ends up buying the whole store. As the sun was about to set, we managed to escape Bear's parents, who wanted to put us on garden duties and finally got the chance to try out the new trains to get to Panda's place.

The end.

Yours truly,

Bear and Panda


  1. Basil and not basilica :)

    Just noticed this tiny mistake. But will try this salad!

  2. Thanks for pointing it out, it should be fixed now. :) Definitely do so and let us know how did it turn out. :)
